Wednesday, March 26, 2008

You may be ready for DTV, but are your grandparents?

By now, most everyone with some form of internet access is aware that on February 17, 2009 analog free-to-air television will cease and be replaced by digital broadcast. Those of us with cable or satellite TV won't have to make a change until 2012, but those who have rabbit ear communication may be stuck without TV come next year. Particularly, I'm concerned about the elderly and those on a low fixed income.

That's why I'm urging everyone to please go to dtv2009 and sign up your parents, grandparents, etc, for the converter box coupons. If you have cable or satellite, go ahead and sign yourself up so you have two extras to distribute when the day comes. Those extra coupons can go to anyone else you may encounter who is suddenly TV-less. Better yet, how about dropping the ten bucks for Grandma's converter box yourself?


Anonymous said...

My grandparents live out in the sticks and the last time I visited them (before the visit I'm about to describe) they had the 1950's wooden box that you had to change the channels on manually and didn't have a plug where you could connect a cable converter, etc.
It was ok though because they lived "in the sticks."
Then I went to visit them last week and they had a flat-screen HDtv with satelite DVR and the whole works. It was amazing.

Jeremy said...

Good on your grans! They are above the curve in the digital age and will have no problems cone '09.

Did you sign up for coupons to give to your auntie and unkie?